Map Stats in Delta Dash

In Delta Dash, each map has four important stats that define its gameplay: Speed, Sensitivity, Health, and Difficulty Rating. Understanding how these stats work is crucial to creating and playing maps that are fun and challenging.


The Speed stat determines how fast notes approach the judgment line, and how much time they stay on the screen. A higher Speed value means notes will approach the judgment line faster and leave the screen quicker, while a lower value means the opposite.

The Speed stat can be set by the mapper between 0 and 10, with 0 being the slowest and 10 being the fastest.


The Sensitivity stat determines the size of the hit window for each note, as well as how the player's taps are judged. A higher Sensitivity value means a smaller hit window and stricter judgment, while a lower value means a larger hit window and more lenient judgment.

The Sensitivity stat can be set by the mapper between 0 and 10, with 0 being the most lenient and 10 being the most strict.


The Health stat determines how the player's actions affect their game health. In Delta Dash, missing notes or tapping them at the wrong time can lower the player's health, while hitting notes accurately can restore it.

The Health stat can be set by the mapper between 0 and 10, with 0 being the most forgiving and 10 being the most punishing.

Difficulty Rating

The Difficulty Rating is a super algorithm that calculates how difficult a map is based on the mapping itself (not affected by other stats). It is meant to give players an idea of how hard a map is before playing it.

The Difficulty Rating is subject to regular updates to ensure that it is as accurate as possible. However, it should be noted that map difficulty can also depend on a player's skillset, so the Difficulty Rating should be used as a general guide rather than an absolute measure.

Overall, understanding and balancing these four map stats is essential to creating and playing maps that are both challenging and enjoyable in Delta Dash.