Hit judgements in Delta Dash

In Delta Dash, the accuracy of the player's taps is assessed based on a hit window that is determined by an algorithm that takes into account the sensitivity of the map.

Hit Window

The hit window value generated by the formula is used to determine the four levels of accuracy in Delta Dash:

Hit Judgment Window Value Description
Perfect 1x hit window value A perfect hit occurs when the player taps the note exactly within the hit window.
Good 2x hit window value A good hit occurs when the player taps the note within two times the hit window value.
Meh 3x hit window value A meh hit occurs when the player taps the note within three times the hit window value.
Miss 4x hit window value A miss occurs when the player fails to tap the note within four times the hit window value.

Hit Window Example

Hit windows is altered by mods. The following example shows the hit windows with no mod applied.

Hit Judgment Sensivity 0 sensivity 10
Perfect 158.8ms 40ms
Good 317.6ms 80ms
Meh 476.4ms 120ms
Miss 635.2ms 160ms

A Hitwindow of 158.8ms means that the player has to tap the note within 158.8ms to get a perfect hit. so 79.4ms before the note reaches the judgement line and 79.4ms after the note reaches the judgement line.

Associated Colors

When a note is tapped, the Combo Indicator will flash a color that corresponds to the accuracy of the tap. The colors are as follows: